Privacy Policy - IDW


Introduction and General Terms

IDW is committed to protecting your personal data whenever we provide you with a service.

This privacy policy applies to the information we collect from you by the following means:

- Adverts
- Social Networks (Facebook, LinkedIn)
- Third party recommendations

It also applies to all personal information that you share with us by SMS, e-mail, letter or other means of correspondence, as well as personally.

In order for us to provide you with a service with high quality standards, such as helping you find the position that best suits you, identifying the ideal profile for a new job or developing skills, we need to collect personal information about you.

This privacy policy explains the following:

● What information do we collect and for what purpose?

● Who do we share your data with?

● How long do we keep the information we collect?

● On what grounds can we treat your personal data? (Legitimate interests if applicable)

● What are your rights regarding your data?

You may obtain additional information or clarify any doubt about this Privacy Policy and Treatment of Personal Data, simply by sending your questions to the following addresses:

A / C Responsible for Privacy
Rua Dr. António Loureiro Borges Building 5 0AA
1495-131 Algés

or to the email address:

What information do we collect and for what purpose?

We collect only the information required for each type of activity and do not keep it for longer than is strictly necessary.

The information we collect is used to measure your degree of correspondence with the open opportunity (s). It is not mandatory that you provide us with everything we ask for, although not providing the necessary information may make it difficult to analyze your application.

In a normal process we will ask for personal data including name and contact details. We will also ask for data such as your previous work experience, education, and issues relevant to the open opportunity. We may in certain specific situations (and if the position open to this require) need to request additional data, such as your immigration status, information related to your health, information or various data on any criminal convictions.

Who do we share your data with?

Your data may be passed on to subcontractors for processing on behalf of IDW. In this case IDW will take the necessary contractual measures to ensure that these subcontractors respect and protect their personal data. Your data may also be passed on to third parties, for example companies with whom IDW develops partnerships. In these situations you will always need your consent. They may also be transmitted to entities to whom the data must be communicated under the law, such as the tax authority in hiring situations.

Whenever these transfers exist, IDW warrants that your data will be processed within the countries in which the European Union considers that personal data protection legislation guarantees the adequate protection of your information.

How long do we keep the information we collect?

If you become an employee of IDW, your data will be retained in the employee file until termination of employment, plus 12 years for compliance with legal obligations.

The information collected in selection processes, and by legal obligation, will be maintained for 5 years from the moment of collection.

If you exercise your Right to Forgetfulness on data that has a legal obligation of storage, we will stop all processing on your data but we can only eliminate them once the legal deadline for the retention of them has been fulfilled.

On what grounds can we treat your personal data?

Legitimate interest

Where the processing of the data corresponds to a legitimate interest on the part of IDW.

An example of this ground is the possibility of contacting you with a concrete job offer. We have a legitimate interest in contacting you, and you need to ensure your reading and approval of this Privacy Policy and your consent to handle your data after this first contact.


When we expressly consent in a free and informed way - in writing or through the validation of a digital option.

Examples include consent to treat your data in a particular recruitment process or to process your data in job offers similar to the one for which you applied.

Contract execution and pre-contractual procedures

Where the processing of personal data is necessary for the conclusion, execution and management of contracts concluded with IDW.

Examples are contracts entered into with employees, billing management, collections and payments.

Compliance with legal obligation

When the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which IDW is subject.

In this framework we have examples of compliance with tax obligations or response to judicial requests;

What are your rights to your data?

At any time, you may ask IDW to:
● access to information we have about you;
● rectification of information if it is incorrect or incomplete;
● to erase or limit the processing of your personal data;
● the provision of your personal data "in a structured, current and automatic reading format" for personal use and / or the transmission of the personal data to another controller;

Your requests will be treated with special care so that we can ensure effectiveness in the exercise of your rights. To ensure security in the process you may be required to prove your identity to ensure that the sharing of your personal data is only with you.

You will be informed of the measures taken to ensure the exercise of your right, within a maximum period of 30 days from the moment the request is received by IDW.

You also have the right to submit a complaint to the National Authority -the CNPD (

If the consent is legally necessary for the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw consent at any time, although this right does not compromise the lawfulness of the treatment made on the basis of the prior consent given nor the subsequent processing of the same data, based on another legal basis, such as compliance with the contract or legal obligation to which IDW is subject.

If you wish to exercise your rights, you can do so at the following addresses:


A / C Responsible for Privacy
Rua Dr. António Loureiro Borges Building 5 0AA
1495-131 Algés

or to the email address:


Privacy Policy - IDW